Yorkshire Worship Service, June 26, 2022 9:00AM
Sunday, 26 June 2022 by Debra
- Published in Worship Service Video
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Yorkshire Worship Service, June 26, 2022 11:15AM
Sunday, 26 June 2022 by Debra
- Published in Worship Service Video
Announcements and Worship Bulletin, June 26, 2022
Saturday, 25 June 2022 by Debra
- Published in Announcements, Worship Bulletin
Yorkshire Worship Service, June 20, 2022. 11:15AM
Sunday, 19 June 2022 by Debra
DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, THE 11:15AM worship service will not be posted. To listen to Pastor Kominsky’s sermon, use “Yorkshire Worship Service, June 2022” 9:00AM
- Published in Worship Service Video
Yorkshire Worship Service, June 20, 2022 9:00AM
Sunday, 19 June 2022 by Debra
- Published in Worship Service Video
What’s Brewing, June 16, 2022
Saturday, 18 June 2022 by Debra
16 June 2022, Greetings Yorkshire Church!
What a great week at Yorkshire Church as we cross the midpoint of June! We are in the “summer” season of the church when things typically slow down a bit, but this is not the case here! Here is a summary of the exciting things happening within our church and our ministries.
On Monday evening, our Children’s ministry team met to continue discussions on programs to enhance our children’s Sunday School programs. An idea that was tossed around a few weeks ago by this same team was to consider a “VBS-type” format for the Children’s Church (9:15 – 10AM) and the Sunday School hour (10:15- 11AM), combining those time periods into one, two-hour session which would ultimately be run as a VBS-style format. This would include teaching times, crafts, snacks, music, media and various activity stations located around the designated rooms in the Education wing. Activities would begin at 9AM and continue through 11AM allowing parents to attend both 9AM worship and Sunday School, while their children are receiving Christian education and enrichment through a fun and interactive program! The name for our new program will be “CLIMB,” Children Learning Important Messages from the Bible. We hope other children in our community will become involved as well! Thanks to Rick Focht, our Education Team Chair and those involved with teaching, leading and participating in our Children’s Ministry programs! (Barb Snare, Rachel Fry, Lexi Morrow, Kristin Berman, Laurie Mink, Julie Mann, Laura Blackwood, Debra Why).
On Tuesday evening, our Joyful Noise Christian Preschool (JNCP) Board of Directors held their quarterly scheduled meeting. Discussions were held regarding the very successful 2021-22 school year, which was validated by several survey response forms submitted by parents of the students. One of the core values that was discussed was the focus on the Word of God in the teaching curriculum. A recognized value of JNCP is the Christian, Bible-based teaching focus, small class size and affordable tuition. Our students benefit from a highly professional and dedicated staff who are dedicated to each student’s growth over the course of the year. As a ministry of Yorkshire Church, JNCP continues to share the Gospel message of Jesus Christ with the young folks of our community 5 days a week, and next year, the Preschool is planning on offering a summer session as our outreach continues to grow. We celebrate this ministry of the church and the difference it is making in the lives of our students and their families! (Our Preschool Board of Directors are: Barb Snare, Chair, Rick Focht, Vice-Chair, Laurie Mink, Secretary, Julie Mann, Preschool Director, Carol Hightman, Suzanne Robertson, Tara Winter, and Dave Kominsky, Pastor).
Also, on Monday evening, a sub-group from our Finance Team met to review and select the Financing Proposals from 5 local banks for our Fellowship Hall Repair and Renovation project. All of the financing institutions offered us very positive proposals which was an indication of their desire to partner with Yorkshire Church. The review team (Doug Berman, Charlie Hoffman, Elke Yingling, and Jim Valentine) considered each proposal carefully and Traditions Bank was selected as our finance partner for the project. With this decision, our project is ready to move forward. Steve Spangler, our Fellowship Hall Renovation Project Leader has scheduled a kick-off meeting with the various construction contractors (Keller Construction, Dietz & Naumann, and Spangler & Boyer) on Wednesday, June 29th and construction will begin shortly after that! It has been a long process to get to this point but it has been a very good one. As Yorkshire Church, we are blessed to have the leaders that we do, and their commitment to our fellowship is so appreciated!
In the area of our church finances, the good news is that through the month of May, 2022, we are operating in a manner that has allowed us to pay all of our bills and expenses with the income that we have received. But we can see that our income vs our expenses is tightening up significantly.
Jan through the end of May 2022 for Yorkshire Church & Joyful Noise Christian Preschool:
Income: $197,430
Expenses: 197,303
Net: 127
In this number, our monthly offerings have increased over the same period last year by only $531 while our expenses have risen by $22,746. This is made up of many areas, I’ll highlight a few.
Electric: +2,000
Natural Gas: +6,100
Building Maint: +9,979
Other areas of increase were budgeted which include Missions, Staffing (Additional Preschool teachers, Music positions, cost of living increases), but were offset by areas of cost reduction by design. So you can see that of the $22,746 dollars of increased expenses, energy and fixing our building accounted for the majority of it.
With the commencement of our Fellowship Hall project, we anticipate the debt service to be in the vicinity of $2,000 per month which will ramp up through the end of the year as construction expenses are received and paid for. We do anticipate significantly lower natural gas expenses over the next several months as we won’t be heating the church as well as we are hopeful that we have a significant reduction in maintenance and repair expenses through the end of the year (we have an aging facility…).
So, I share this information with you to let you know that our Administrative, Finance, and Trustee teams continue to manage our finances and facility in a manner that we are operating well within the means of the blessings that we receive, even while we expand our ministries and grow as a church. But we are facing significantly higher expenses in categories that we are somewhat unable to control as far as what is going on in our general economy with the levels of inflation that we are experiencing. We will continue to manage our resources in a prayerful and discerning manner and I am tremendously confident in the leadership and expertise that God has blessed Yorkshire with!
With all of these things in mind, I would also ask that you continue to pray and discern about your continuing support of the church and our ministries through your ongoing gifts and contributions. It is our hope that even in our difficult economic times, that we can continue to grow in our ministry and our outreach to those in our community, while maintaining our facilities in an effective, yet efficient manner.
We have so much to be thankful for as the fellowship of Yorkshire Church. God
is blessing us with new ministries, new opportunities and an overwhelming Spirit of Joy in all that we do while bringing new people into our fold. As always, if
you have any questions about the content or information that has been provided
in this letter, please feel free to reach out. I am thankful to be a part of the ministry and fellowship that we are being called to as Christ’s body, in fellowship with Him, and in communion with the Holy Spirit!
Have a great day and a great week! Peace and Blessings!
-pastor dave.
125 Edgewood Road, York, PA 17402 • (717)755-4952 • www.yorkshirechurch.org
- Published in What's Brewing
Announcements and Worship Bulletin, June 19, 2022
Saturday, 18 June 2022 by Debra
- Published in Announcements, Worship Bulletin
Yorkshire Worship Service, June 12, 2022 11:15AM
Sunday, 12 June 2022 by Debra
- Published in Worship Service Video
Yorkshire Worship Service, June 12, 2022 9:00AM
Sunday, 12 June 2022 by Debra
- Published in Worship Service Video
What’s Brewing, June 10, 2022
Saturday, 11 June 2022 by Debra
10 June 2022, Greetings Yorkshire Church!
I am enjoying our study on the I AM statements of Jesus Christ as documented in the fourth Gospel, John. Although these sayings are very familiar, taking a “deep-dive” into the context of the sayings, the environment where Jesus spoke them, the original audience who heard them, and the response to His Words has been powerful. I have heard folks say that being a Christian would be easier if Jesus simply told us what we need to know and spoke in clear language for us to understand. I am more than certain these words have come from my own mouth. But what we find as we study the Word is that He does speak to us in straightforward terms. See, the folks that He was speaking to and the culture they found themselves were not so different than our own. Sure, they were different as to the elements of the culture, but when you learn about their hearts, their doubts, their unbelief, and their belief, you find many similarities.
Although our studies are on the I AM statements, I have been approaching my studies on the foundation of the greatest commandment as documented in Deuteronomy 6:5 and Matthew 22:37,
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” (Matt. 22:37)
It is clear that each time this commandment is spoken in the Bible that the objective for God is to have an intimate relationship with us. I think of it as a request (command) for a return of affection in terms that we understand. The Bible is a book provided to us by God, written by man, inspired by God’s Spirit who was in the writers, just as His Spirit is within all of us who have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior and believe in His life, death, and resurrection. But, in each of Jesus’s I AM statements, He is giving us reason to not only believe in Him, but to love Him… with all our heart, soul and mind. To “believe” is not to “love.” We can believe in many things, but not love them. We can do many things, but not out of love. If you have any doubt, stop reading this document and open your Bible to 1 Corinthians 13 – short chapter, but very clear.
As I study for each week, I write the Greatest Commandment at the top of my notes and then I write the corresponding statement for that week’s study, for example last week was, “I am the resurrection and the life” (John 11:25). I then read three chapters of the text. The chapter from which my study originates, the previous chapter and then the subsequent chapter. I then list all of the ways in which I see the text resonating with our love for God, or the audience’s love for God or lack of it. It is where there is a “lack” of it that I seek the purpose for the statement (I AM…). Jesus’s desire for all people was for them to love Him, as He loves all people. As my list grows, I then go to work doing more research to find evidence of what I have listed. For example, last week I saw that Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus that Lazarus was sick, “”Lord, the one you love is sick.” (John 11:3). Well, this led me to question where else in the scriptures that evidence could be found that Jesus specifically loved Lazarus. In verse 5, it says that Jesus loved Martha, her sister and Lazarus so I would believe this signified a deep relationship. So, I went to work validating that. And this is how I tackle studying a section of scripture. It was in my research of Jesus’s love for Lazarus that I came across this week’s scripture study which is a perpendicular tangent to our I AM studies, but I found them of great interest to our broader topic of understanding God in our relationship with Him.
So, if you struggle with studying the scriptures and don’t know how to get started, maybe you will find value in how I tackle it. It is one of several methods that I use and it is so much fun- my challenge is that I need to wrap up my journey through the Word before the end of the week to be able to assemble my findings in such a way that they make sense to you! So, have fun studying!
In church news… We are still seeking a Director of Youth and Family ministries to lead our youth and support our children’s and family ministries. This is taking longer than we had hoped, but we have confidence that God will raise up the right person at the right time. In the meantime, I am very thankful for Claudia Mingora and Joe Blackwood who have kept our Youth activities moving forward. Steve Fieldhouse will be joining Joe and Claudia as a Sunday School teacher and additional leader until we fill the position. Thank you to all who support this critical ministry of Yorkshire Church!
The Fellowship Hall renovation process continues to move forward and the Trustee leadership has selected Keller Contracting, LLC as our project contractor with Dietz & Naumann providing the electrical and Spangler & Boyer the HVAC and plumbing portions of the project. There are some other peripheral suppliers involved for our audio/visual needs as well as some new interior perimeter drains which will be installed. There are still some final details being worked out in regards to the Springettsbury Township Permit process and our Finance team is using all of this data to evaluate which bank will be selected as our financial partner for the project. The kickoff meeting with our contractors is scheduled for June 29th! Praise God for His blessings!
I will be providing our financial numbers in the near future. Thank you so much for those that have made additional gifts to the building fund to help us offset the renovation expenses. I will begin reporting this element of the renovation project with May’s financial results. It is our hope that we can offset our debt service expense (as a minimum) in addition to our regular offering receipts. As we finalize our financing, we will report this expense amount to you, as well. If you are new to the church, this renovation project is required primarily to repair damage that has been sustained due to problems with our perimeter drainage systems which are as old as the building itself. In addition, we are updating the space with ADA access (ramp) as well as ADA bathroom facilities which will allow us to better serve our community.
This past week, Joe Blackwood (SPRC Chair) and I had the opportunity to meet with Alison Sutherland who runs all things administrative (and more) at Yorkshire Church, and has done so for 19 years! Alison shared with us her desire to resign from her post on July 31st so that she can fulfill some other
desires and needs in her life, which will also allow her to be a short-term
caregiver for her husband Steve following surgery on his leg– scheduled later
this summer. This is truly bittersweet news for Yorkshire, although it is a
blessing for Alison. (I have a feeling that some time with her “grand-niece” is in
the plans, as well!) Alison will remain accessible for Yorkshire and hopes to be
able to offer us assistance as we need it in the future. We will begin recruiting in the very near future. If you or someone you know may be interested in this position, let Joe Blackwood or me know as soon as possible! Feel free to speak to Alison about her plans and certainly keep her in prayer and celebrate this time with her!
Have a great day and a great week!
Peace and Blessings! -pastor dave. dkominsky@susumc.org 717-858-5870
125 Edgewood Road, York, PA 17402
• (717)755-4952
• www.yorkshirechurch.org
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