Yorkshire Church Worship Service, September 26, 2021 11:00AM
Sunday, 26 September 2021 by Debra
- Published in Worship Service Video
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Yorkshire Worship Service, September 26, 2021 9:00AM and Sunday School, 10:00AM
Sunday, 26 September 2021 by Debra
- Published in Worship Service Video
What’s Brewing?, September 24, 2021
Saturday, 25 September 2021 by Debra
24 September 2021
Good Day and Greetings to Everyone!
We have officially graduated into the Fall season this week. Although I love the summer season and really love a good snow storm, Fall is my favorite time of the year. The cool, crisp air of morning and the mild temperatures of afternoon are almost perfect conditions to enjoy the outdoors. The lower path of the sun through the sky provides a lighting effect that seems to have been perfectly designed to compliment the colors of the trees, often highlighted by a darker sky and big magnificent clouds. There’s nothing quite like the Fall breeze that swirls and scatters the fallen leaves along the ground and walkways. For me, it triggers thoughts of from my past, almost as if every leaf that is kicked up and swirled around is a wonderful memory of my life, each one a different color and a different shape. Each year adds new leaves and new colors to this mosaic of life. I really love the Fall! We serve and love an awesome God!
It has been a great week at Yorkshire church. Our administrative council met on Tuesday and, as you all know, I love a great meeting. This meeting did not disappoint! We discussed many great things that are happening within our church and have begun to set plans and goals for the future. Preschool is firing on all cylinders and our Scouts are back in action. In Education news, our classes are up and running, BUT, this past week, we had some challenges. Get this…we had too many children for the allotted number of teachers in both children’s church and our children’s Sunday school! Many thanks to Kristin Berman and Lexi Morrow who jumped right in to provide the necessary support to these programs. Your vision and awareness on Sunday morning to these needs and your willingness to step up, before any of us knew of the challenge, is greatly appreciated! What a blessing! So, if you are reading this, and feel that you would like to be involved in teaching, or helping a teacher support our students, let Rick Focht or the church office know. We will work with you to get you plugged into an area that meets your interests and callings.
In the area of missions, there is also some great things in the works. This week, one of the missionaries that we are supporting will be speaking to our fellowship and sharing her work in the Dominican Republic. It is great to hear how our fellowship is able to be a part of God’s work throughout the world. Rebecca Jacobs will speak to both the 9AM and 11:15AM services. Our mission’s team is also putting together a Fall fellowship event; Trunk or Treat. The event will be held outside on Sunday, 23 October from 1-3. There is a great deal of info that you will see in the very near future, but the gist of it is that we will offer a safe and fun opportunity for the children in our church, preschool, scouts and community to interact with members of our church and fill their bags with candy and treats in our parking lot(s). Expect great music, games, face painting, et al! I also will go on record here and make the following proclamation. There will be NO dunk tank. I want the team that is coordinating this event to read that again… there will be NO dunk tank!
Our Trustee’s report was focused primarily on the upcoming and required work to get our fellowship hall back in action. The necessary repairs to this flooding issue continue to be evaluated by Steve Spangler and Josh Strange. They are working with contractors and engineers to not only fix damaged portions of the fellowship hall, but also to ensure that the cause of the flooding is repaired. Yesterday (Thursday, the 22nd), we flooded again in significant fashion. Although frustrating, it gave us an opportunity to see just how the flooding developed over the course of the morning storm. It also revealed some elements that will require additional evaluation. The fellowship hall is an essential part of our church operations as it hosts our larger Sunday School
classes, Preschool activities throughout the week, and Scouts several nights a week. All of these activities have been displaced. We are moving forward with as much of the repair work internally that we can while final solutions are being engineered. As a result of yesterday’s rain, we once again have a mini-lake under the stage area. Beginning on Monday, October 4th, a team will begin removing the stage and current storage areas that are behind the current wall. This will open up the room to the walls and potential areas where water is entering the facility. Then, on October 11th through the 20th, a special team will be in to remove the current flooring, which includes the abatement of old asbestos tile which is underneath. This will be a complex process, but a necessary one. These are just the first steps of the repair process that can be completed while the water source issues are being addressed. During this time, our rain gutters, which contribute to our issue, will be upgraded also. So, there will be much going on at our church as we are doing all we can to get our fellowship hall back in operation as soon as possible.
Our Finance team report was very positive. The efforts to restructure our financial platforms and processes are providing great benefit to our fellowship as we grow in our worship, education, and outreach efforts. Our year to date (Jan – Aug 2021) financial picture continues to be positive:
Yorkshire Financial Picture including Joyful Noise Christian Preschool: January 2021 thru August 30, 2021
Income: Expenses: Working Capital:
$282,492.00 250,659.00
$ 23,752.00 (Positive Working Capital)
Our balance sheet also remains strong going into the fourth quarter. With this said, we will be incurring significant expenses to repair our facility as stated above. This year, we paid our insurance premiums in full and early. This has paid off as our insurance will be providing us $24,000.00 towards our expenses. But we anticipate the repair and restoration costs being well more than double this number. The good news is that because of your generosity, we can manage and cover any costs we incur. Our finance team is working to evaluate the best means to fund these expenses and will be reviewing financing options as part of their plan. The church has strong balance sheet, which allows us to have some good options in this area. But, it is also a time to state that if you are feeling called to participate in helping us navigate this situation from a financial perspective, any additional gifts to the “Building Fund” would be of tremendous benefit to our situation.
There were many other great discussions and meetings this week. I am blessed to serve with an incredible team of dedicated leaders here at Yorkshire.
In closing, I want to emphasize what a blessing it was to hear the sounds of our choir this past Sunday morning during our 11:15 service. Your gifts filled the church with great joy and everyone was touched by your performance! Great job Choir. I want to also extend Mike Heintzelman’s comments during the service to especially thank Beth Gross
and Jackie Linsey for their directing and accompanying efforts! Thank you!
Peace and Blessings! -pastor dave.
125 Edgewood Road, York, PA 17402
• (717)755-4952
• www.yorkshirechurch.org
- Published in What's Brewing
Announcements, September 26, 2021
Saturday, 25 September 2021 by Debra
- Published in Announcements
Yorkshire Church Worship Service, September 19, 2021 11:00AM
Monday, 20 September 2021 by Debra
- Published in Worship Service Video
Yorkshire Church Sunday School, September 19, 2021 10:00AM
Monday, 20 September 2021 by Debra
- Published in Worship Service Video
Yorkshire Worship Service, September 19, 2021 9:00AM
Monday, 20 September 2021 by Debra
- Published in Worship Service Video
What’s Brewing, September 17, 2021
Saturday, 18 September 2021 by Debra
17 September 2021
Good day Yorkshire!
Well, Rally Day has come and gone, and what a success it was! I am so thankful to have been a part of the festivities of the day and interacting with so many of our fellowship, scouts, preschool families, and so many neighbors from our community. I just want to again extend my thanks and gratitude to the team that made this happen at Yorkshire- it was certainly an effort of the masses! I could go on and on about it, but it was truly a special day.
How about our Women’s Bible Study on Monday evening! Nineteen women gathered together to share in fellowship as they are working through a study called Anxious, Fighting Anxiety with the Word of God by Scarlet Hiltibidal. I know that I can speak from Holly’s perspective that this was an incredible evening of sharing and prayer! They outgrew the room that they were meeting in before they even met! So, as a result, the staff of the church tackled the challenge and we will be resetting Rooms 201 & 203 prior to our weekly studies to accommodate larger groups while the fellowship hall is being repaired. This room is large enough to accommodate up to 30 people very comfortably. This will also accommodate our Men’s Fellowship on Wednesdays during both the 6AM and 6PM studies.
The Men’s Fellowship had a great time at the York Revolution Stadium on Wednesday evening! Thanks to Doug Berman for organizing this great outing and hosting us in a Skybox for what was a very good game. It was a time of simple fellowship and breaking of bread (well, actually meatballs, chicken fingers, hot dogs, cheese steaks, and moz-sticks and soft pretzels). It was nice to be able to grow in our relationships with one another as a group of Christian men. I am looking forward to starting our studies on Wednesday, Sep 22nd on the sixes which will be David Platt’s, Something Needs to Change, which is a video-based series built around an 8-day journey in the Himalayan Mountains. It is a challenging but compelling study.
We are now into our Fall season in the life of the church and with this brings administrative processes that we must undertake such as beginning the process of leadership selection for next year. In the next few weeks, the Nominations and Leadership team will be speaking with our current leadership team as well as recruiting members from our fellowship to serve in various roles. In most churches, this is a well-known process of begging and arm-twisting, but I see this as an opportunity to work with our leaders as well as those who are feeling a calling to lead within the church. I believe that a church that has leaders with a passion to serve will thrive.
This past year, our leadership team has begun to consider each of the administrative roles as a ministry, not a position. For example, Rick Focht is not just holding the Education Team Chair position, he is leading the ministry of education at Yorkshire. His gifts, insights, discernment and leadership of those who serve as part of
this valuable team is a critical part of how we are able to support the body of the church. Doug Berman and Justin Mann, who serve as our Finance Team leaders (Chair and Treasurer) do not simply hold positions, but they lead the ministry of supporting the processes that allow us to have a facility to worship in, have the resources to provide for the needs of the Education Team for example, as well as ensuring that the church has the means to carry out the missions that it is called to serve. Their talents, gifts, and leadership are critical elements of how God can use us as we seek to grow in our relationship with God and carry out the commissions of Jesus Christ. Of course, this carries through all of our leadership positions, Missions, Trustees, Nominations and Leadership, etc. If you are feeling a calling to serve as a leader in the church, please let me know or communicate your interest to Alison in the church office. We have some new areas that we would like to grow into as well as some existing vacancies –we will be in touch!
A quick update on the Fellowship Hall repairs. We have now received quotes from several contractors to get the work started. The insurance claim has been approved and is being processed. This will provide us $25,000.00 toward the work which is necessary to not only clean up the fellowship hall, but to repair the cause of the issues that we have been experiencing. We know that this will cover less than half of what we will need to invest, but our Trustees and Finance teams are doing an incredible job assessing the situation and strategizing how we will accomplish the financing of the project. The scope of the work includes new rain gutters, ground water drainage assessment and remediation, sump pump improvements/replacements, wall repairs and painting, new flooring in the fellowship hall, stage removal (black mold/mildew), removal of four large trees in front yard (fungal root disease-trees dead and/or dying causing year round leaf dropping clogging outdoor drains), and the expense of removing the black mold infested materials from the fellowship hall (years of flooding and moisture). So, again I must extend special thanks of appreciation to the efforts of Steve Spangler and Josh Strange in managing this process!
As usual, there is a lot going on at Yorkshire Church and I can’t begin to thank our leadership and our teams enough for all that they are doing. Next week I will share our finances through the end of August and we will again celebrate our thanks for everything that all of you are doing through your generosity to our fellowship. We remain financially stable and are able to manage our finances in ways that allow us to carry out the missions and tasks of the church, but also to be able to take care of our facility and property, as well. God is doing incredible things here through each of you, using each of your gifts in unique ways to further His Kingdom here in York County and the places He is calling us to serve!
Have a great and blessed day!
Peace and blessings, -pastor dave.
When the world is living in the darkness of fear, it is an opportunity for God’s Church to shine His light.
125 Edgewood Road, York, PA 17402 • (717)755-4952 • www.yorkshirechurch.org
- Published in What's Brewing
Announcements and Worship Bulletin, September 19, 2021
Saturday, 18 September 2021 by Debra
- Published in Announcements, Worship Bulletin
Yorkshire Combined Worship Service, September 12, 2021 10:00AM
Sunday, 12 September 2021 by Debra
Due to technical difficulties, the first part of the worship service would not record.
- Published in Worship Service Video
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