17 June 2021 Blessings and Greetings!
It is a great Yorkshire Day albeit a bit of a chilly start to this Yorkshire Day. A few days ago, we were sweating and cranking the Air Conditioning up a bit to make for comfortable sleeping. This week, we have the windows open, and needed to pull up the blankets as it is 52 degrees outside. The last few evenings have actually been a bit chilly to sit outside. Although not the summer weather I prefer, it has been an enjoyable few days- I know the heat is coming!
As I mentioned last week, we have an exciting project that began this week in what has been known as the church garden. Austin Strickler, a Scout in Troop 25, presented an Eagle Scout project proposal to our Church and Scout leadership last Wednesday and Thursday evening. Austin approached me several months ago regarding his interest to have his Eagle Scout project be something that would support our church. After several meetings with Dave Lloyd, Steve Spangler, Jim Valentine, Julie Mann, and myself, Austin’s proposal is to convert the “garden” into a play area for our Joyful Noise Preschool.
“The project will greatly benefit the YUMC by providing them with a use of the garden grounds by transforming it into a kid-friendly, safe place to play for the kids of Joyful Noise Preschool. As of right now, the kids are playing in an open grass area beside the church. The children have no playground equipment, and the teachers have to actively watch their children to make sure they don’t go out into the road. Building the playground will provide the children with a fun and safe place to play, while also giving them a use to the garden.”
-Eagle Scout Service Proposal, Austin Strickler, Troop 25
Austin’s presentation was very professional and it was a blessing for all of us who experienced his professionalism, attention to detail, candor, and motivation to “give back” to our church and community. He responded very well to the questions and interactions of the team and was able to provide clear and concise answers to many questions. Over two days, he presented to Mark Robertson (Troop 25 Unit Committee Chair), Perry Bevivino (Troop 25 Unit Leader), Steve Coates (Boy Scout Council/District Project Approval Representative), Jim Valentine (Ad Council Chair), Susan Workinger (Missions Chair), Rick Focht (Education Chair), Barb Snare (Joyful Noise Preschool Board Chair), Julie Mann (Preschool Director), Randy Fry (SPRC Member), Doug Berman (Finance Chair), and myself.
Although the word “playground” is utilized, there will be no permanent playground structures or equipment installed. This will be a “garden-play area” that will house play apparatus appropriate for 3- and 4-year-old children that can be moved, cleaned, and stored as required. There will be benches for teachers and parents to sit as they enjoy their time interacting with the children. Gates, fencing and other safety measures will be added to the current area to fulfill Austin’s vision. The project cost is estimated to be around $6,000.00 with the primary expenses being the fencing, gates, and rubber mulch/ground cover. If you would like to make a contribution to this project, simply mark your giving to “Building Fund” from which the funding for the project will come.
In regards to our Financial status at Yorkshire Church, we continue to be blessed. We are blessed by those who are working very hard to account, track, process, manage, and report our financial situation. From those that count on Sundays led by Charlie Hoffman, to those that then make sense of the numbers Alison, Justin Mann
and Doug Berman, we are blessed! Our financial picture remains strong! Another area where “kudos” to our Team-Finance must be presented- the employees of Yorkshire Church received paychecks via “direct deposit” last week for the first time! This was a great blessing!
Here are our financial numbers through the end of May. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me and I will further explain, or put you in touch with one of our team members that will be happy to discuss with you.
Through the end of May, 2021(5 months):
Income: $171,332
Building Fund: $5,161
Total Income: $176,493
Expenses: $144,746
Net Profit/(Loss) $ 31,747
*Note: This does not include Joyful Noise Preschool Numbers
Our available funds, meaning monies that are not specifically designated, were reported at $141,722 as of the end of May. This number fluctuates as we pay our Shares of Ministry ($10,000 per Quarter), insurances, payroll, monthly expenses and building maintenance, but has remained steady throughout this year. This is healthy, but we also have much to do around our facility. With the new doors, property enhancements, and much needed facility repairs, we can be confident that with your continued generosity, we can operate from a solid financial foundation. Any additional gifts designated to the Building Fund are greatly appreciated!
From a logistics standpoint, our greatest challenge remains to be the availability of people. We are still in great need of Preschool teachers and teacher aides for the 21-22 school year. We are seeking, with the assistance of Matt, a new Worship Leader for the first service (9AM). We need volunteers for the Media Center, Greetings Team, and Praise and Worship Team (musicians/vocalists).
As we are studying Acts, an interesting paradox became apparent to me. In the early church, each time there was something great that happened, it was mirrored by a significant challenge. I was reflecting on this a few days ago when I heard a song on a classic rock station I was listening to (yes, I enjoy quality classic rock!) called “The Best of Times” by the band Styx. Now, I am not suggesting that the song writer had any theological intent to the lyrics, but titled the “Best” of times, the song really discusses that these times are actually in the midst of the “worst” of times. Our challenges are nowhere near such less-than-positive times, but, as far as the Book of Acts, there is some similarity. Great things were happening in the early church, but for each blessing, there was a challenge-we’ll discuss this over the next few weeks.
We at Yorkshire, also have some challenges. As “post-pandemic” worship returns, we need to rise to the challenge- both in support to Yorkshire Church, as well as to the places that God is calling us. These may be the “best of times,” but they also are presenting some opportunities for us. Your continued support is greatly needed and appreciated. Support in volunteering for service, inviting friends and family and certainly in prayer! Yah, we’ve got this!
Have a Great and Blessed Day!
-pastor dave.
125 Edgewood Road, York, PA 17402 • (717)755-4952 • www.yorkshirechurch.org
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