29 April 2021
Good day Yorkshire!
I enjoyed a short break in the action last week as I drove to Rochester, NY on Thursday to spend a day with my daughter Grace. We had a great time hitting some of her favorite “dive” restaurants, the George Eastman Museum (Kodak), and a great dinner overlooking what they call the “Falls” in the historic downtown section of Rochester. It is always wonderful to have a day like that!
As I reflect on that trip, I realize that it was only seven days ago. Yet for most of my time in Rochester, it was snowing… at times even blizzard conditions (no accumulations). Today, just a week later, it is 80 degrees out and we are anticipating thunder storms. I think this is what makes this time of year so interesting- it’s also what challenges my allergies to the max!
I believe the church is in such as season, as well. As each week brings us new revelations and concerns, we begin to look forward to the consistency of fair weather. With new confidence that folks are finding in the vaccines and easing restrictions regarding masks and gathering, the benefits of “fair weather” are being enjoyed. We may still have some “snow” in the air from time to time, but each day is following a trend of continuous improvement.
As we anticipate the joys of “a new season,” I have challenged the leadership team with some questions as to what our future will look like, what we need to improve, and what type of things should we be addressing immediately for the good of our fellowship. As a result of the nearly two years of being in a state of transition, we want to begin to reconstruct what the vision for Yorkshire is- and I say “is” because through our various discussions, I hear many of the same things from each of you.
Over the next few weeks, I will be compiling the list of responses and working with our leadership to evaluate what our priorities need to be. There is great consistency in the information that I have received to date, but, because of the “season” and the “weather” that we find ourselves in, we need to truly understand what our resources are to accomplish our objectives. There are two ways to assess our fellowship in regards to this matter. We have “attendance” numbers which currently are around the one hundred mark between the two services. But, of that “one-hundred,” only certain elements are in a position to participate in activities beyond Sunday morning worship. And there are all kinds of verygood reasons for this, and this, in itself is also “seasonal” for many. Work schedules, sports schedules, children’s schedules, travel, mobility, are all very valid weather factors that provide us fluctuations in our worship and church activity participation. Holly and I have experienced such seasonality in our lives as we reflect back on the past 20 years. There were times where we were very involved, and then times where we were not- it was based on the season of life that we were in.
It has been encouraging at Yorkshire how many folks are coming forth to participate in renewed areas of our ministry. We are working to reinvigorate our “Greeting and Welcoming” ministry at the beginning and end of each service. We continue to look for more volunteers for our media center- especially some
folks that may want to receive additional training to help us take our presentation and sound capabilities to new levels! Our education team has been seeking folks who have a calling in the area of education to lead new Sunday School classes – and many of you are responding to this need.
One of the consistent themes in the survey responses of our leaders is the desire for Yorkshire to implement and grow in the area of missions and activities outside of the church. Praise God! There is a deep desire to take the Gospel into our community and beyond. What we need to figure out is “what does that look like for us?” If we were preparing an army to go take the message forth, how many of you are feeling the call to enlist? I often hear the words, “we should be doing more in the community,” “we should do more missions work outside of the church.” And I agree wholeheartedly. What I need to know is who has a personal calling to turn our “shoulds” into “shalls” so we can do more.
What makes this a challenge, is the “weather” that we find ourselves in as the seasonality of some of the limitations on the church are still somewhat unknown. But we will be stepping out in many different areas over the next several months. Some of these steps will be in areas of established ministry for Yorkshire Church, others will be in new directions. Some wisdom that I have lived my life by comes from the Christmas Classic, Santa Clause is Coming to Town. The scene is where Kris Kringle is giving advice to the Winter Warlock as to how to move forward in his ways, or to change the disposition that he finds himself. The wisdom that is provided is timeless. Kris tells (sings) him to,
(Chorus) Put one foot in front of the other
And soon you’ll be walking ‘cross the floor,
You put one foot in front of the other, And soon you’ll be walking out the door.
You never will get where you’re going
If ya never get up on your feet
Come on, there’s a good tail wind blowin’
A fast-walking man is hard to beat (Chorus)
If you want to change your direction
If your time of life is at hand
Well, don’t be the rule; Be the exception A good way to start is to stand (Chorus)
So, Yorkshire Church, may I suggest that our interim vision include simply putting one foot in front of the other. If you are discerning that God is calling you to action in service to the church and are not yet engaged in an element of our ministry, a good way to start is to stand. Let us know of your interest, take that step, and then another- one foot in front of the other! Soon, we’ll be walking ‘cross the floor!
Peace and Blessings to you!
-pastor dave.
125 Edgewood Road, York, PA 17402 • (717)755-4952 • www.yorkshirechurch.org
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