4 February 2021
Good day!
I pray that you are finding value in our “Goliath Must Fall” worship and Sunday School series. I have received several positive comments regarding the various “giants” that we have discussed. This week, we will address the giant of anger and next week, we will close out the series with a look at addiction. These are issues that we all deal with, either individually, or with someone that we may know. Louis Giglio has done a great job in defining how these giants affect each of us, although when we look at each of the giants independently, we may not see how they impact us. So, hope to see you on Sunday, either in the pews or through the lens of our live stream feed!
Jim Valentine and I have been meeting with the leaders of each of our Administrative Council Teams to plan for our 2021 meeting schedules and how those meetings will look over the next few months. This process is ongoing. Our last meeting was with the leadership of the Trustee team to discuss continuing needs of the church. We are blessed to have a team of Trustees that are “getting things done” around our church facility. Some notes to look forward to include addressing our external facility doors of which many are in disrepair and void of any type of weather stripping. This will be a major undertaking and the process of obtaining estimates is in process. Another area that we are looking to tackle is the purging of stuff that is currently stored on the Fellowship Hall stage and in the attic above the Sanctuary and Narthex. There are several other areas to be addressed, but these are the most visible to our fellowship. The regular maintenance required on a facility such as ours will always keep our Trustee folks busy- so, if you see a Trustee, please let them know how much you appreciate their efforts!
A new addition to our weekly facility usage includes elements of Girl Scout Troop 20402 that will be meeting on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. They are very excited to have the opportunity to again meet together and they are thrilled to be able to utilize Yorkshire Church as a part of their fellowship. I have worked with this Troop before and look forward to working with them again as they meet in our church. As a result, we will be scheduling a special Girl Scout Sunday service in early Spring! More info to come!
I also want to challenge our men, including our teenage men, to prayerfully consider attending our Men’s Fellowship Challenge during Lent. Beginning on Wednesday, February 17th, at 6AM (yes, six o’clock in the morning!), we will meet in our Fellowship Hall to work through a new series to me from “Rough Cut Men,” which includes a 30 minute video segment, 15-20 minutes of discussion, and a time for coffee and donuts before beginning your day. Here is an excerpt from roughcutmen.org to speak about the video series titled, “Who Has Your Six:”
From Rough Cut Men:
In our powerful “Who Has Your Six” Video Series, men will forge the unbreakable bond of battle-ready brotherhood against an enemy that’s out to “steal, kill and destroy” their marriages, their children and their legacies.
We use action movie clips, Biblical truth, relevant real-world tactics and powerful “Fireteam” breakout sessions to accomplish one laser-focused mission: To connect men to other men, and to Jesus.
Rough Cut Men isn’t the same old men’s event. Who Has Your Six is a video series like none you’ve ever seen before.
It’s time to change things up. It’s time to engage. Welcome to the battlefield.
I look forward to what this series has in store for Yorkshire Church. If you have a friend that you would like to invite, please feel free. This series will continue for 8 weeks- certainly a commitment of your time, but what better “sacrifice” to make during lent, eh?
In closing, I want to speak from the heart for a moment. When Holly and I first started our journey here at Yorkshire, we set out to meet as many of you as possible through your small group and Sunday School fellowships. I had the opportunity to enjoy weekly fellowship with several of the men as part of the Sunday School golf league and other regular events. This provided us with great insight as to our church fellowship and those that make it what it is. Over the past few months, this sense of fellowship has been difficult to maintain. I know that this is unavoidable due to the pandemic situation, but I don’t want to lose what little connection that we were able to make. What we learned during our visitations and interactions is what we have used to guide the direction of the church as well as put plans in place to address those things that all of you shared as being important. I want to invite you to continue to provide me with your thoughts and concerns about our fellowship. What can we do to better meet your worship and fellowship needs? What can we do better in meeting your needs through programs and processes that are already in place? What elements of our worship services help you to feel connected?
One of the most important elements of the local church is the fellowship of believers. Maintaining that sense of fellowship is one of the greatest challenges that we have in ministry today. I pray that what we are doing is helping you to maintain a feeling of connectedness to the church and to one another, and I invite your input, communications, suggestions, and even your thoughts on what we could be doing better. You are Yorkshire. You are the church. You are a part of the body of Christ. And that makes you important. Be blessed, and have a great week.
– pastor dave. dkominsky@susumc.org
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